
Friday, January 15, 2010

Quilt Remnant Pillow

I scored this crazy quilt on eBay years ago for only $100, and it remains my best eBay win to-date. Most of the quilt is made from men's silk ties. I was excited when I found this tiny quilt remnant in a junk store that reminded me of my quilt, and snatched it up. For months the little scrap of quilt languished in my "to-sew" pile.

I finally got around to turning that little guy into a pillow. Here is the result:

As you can see the fabrics and stitching are very similar to the quilt.

For the back of the pillow I chose this navy and white polka dot print. If you look at the quilt above, you can see that one of the quilt sections is also a navy polka dot. Cute, right? I'm super-thrilled with how this turned out.


  1. this pillow should not go unremarked upon. it is fabulous. well done.

  2. Thanks! I was so pleased with how it turned out!
