
Thursday, April 03, 2008

Keep Calm and Carry On

In the past couple of months I have purchased a few new pieces of affordable art that now adorn my walls. One of the posters is this reproduction of a poster from WWII Britain that I purchased from Victoria of sfgirlbybay. Scanning her blog today, I saw that Victoria has posted pictures of her posters in various customers homes. I was tickled to see all the Calm posters in a rainbow of hues. I bought mine in January when I felt like I needed a daily reminder to do just as the poster says, "Keep Calm and Carry On." I think it's a very fine sentiment. If I were the kind of girl who got tattooed, this simple phrase would be a candidate for marking on my skin. For now, I'll just settle with seeing it in my hall every day.

Here's a link to Victoria's etsy shop where you can purchase your own Calm poster.

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