
Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Rearranged Bedroom

After getting drinks with my good friend Corrinne on Tuesday night I came home and couldn't sleep. So, I did what any girl would do: I moved all my bedroom furniture. Perfectly logical, right?

I'm not sure that the new arrangement is better than the old one, but I do like having my bed positioned in the corner between the windows. I left my dresser where it was, but moved my desk to the bed's old spot. (I won't show you a picture of the desk because it is its usual messy self, which I find mildly embarrassing.) I'm thinking that if I keep this arrangement I will get a bookshelf to go next to my bed instead of the bitty bedside table and a wine crate. I am also thinking that this weekend might be the weekend I finally get around to painting the bedroom. Currently pale green is still the leading candidate. What color do you think I should choose?

1 comment:

  1. Pale green is very restful and doesn't fade as much as blue. You might be able to talk me out of the low bookcase--it's the right height for bedside. But some books might have to go with it!
