Belated Easter Post 1: Egg Dyeing

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I've been super-swamped with work and family in town the last couple of weeks, so I hadn't had much of a chance to post, but there's tons to tell. First up: Dyeing Easter eggs.

On Good Friday, my sweet boyfriend texted me the following message, "Does dyeing Easter eggs tonight sound good? I could pick up a kit and some eggs on my way over." Having never had a boyfriend who wanted to make crafts with me, I said, sure thing! To which he responded, "I know a dyeing trick or two." I have dyed dozens of eggs for photo shoots, so I wasn't exactly jumping at the opportunity to dye eggs. But you know what? It was a ton of fun (admittedly, the large bottle of sauvignon blanc may have helped).

After we ate dinner we laid down a painter's cloth on the dining table and set to work. The tools for our eggs were a standard egg dyeing kit, crayons, rubber bands and painter's tape. As you can see above, we used jam jars and juice glasses to hold the eggs.

For a drying station, we set a baking rack into a rimmed cookie sheet -- I think it worked better than popping the cardboard box out into a drying space.

Rubber bands made both abstract patterns and more uniform ones. One of our favorites is in the top right hand corner below--we called it the watermelon egg. I made it with rubber bands creating the stripes; I did a long dip in green dye, removed the bands and then did a flash dye in the blue.



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