Window Film Revisited

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I am tempted to put window film on my living room windows for a little additional privacy (I am on the ground floor). I am sort of in love with this flowerpot film from Rare Device. My first question is: Is it too silly? I already did the windows in my bedroom, and I definitely like the results. However, it actually cost a lot of money. I am thinking I could buy plain frosted window film at a hardware store and re-create something like the photo above. First, I'd apply a single layer of the film, then I would cut out a silhouette from a second sheet and layer it over the first. Think that would work?


Rebecca said...

i don't think it's silly at all, in fact i think i'm going to use it in my livingroom. thanks for the idea! go fort greene!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the window film, it looks beautiful. Keep up the great blogging.

Another very low cost alternative is craft glue. Yep you can just "paint" it on and "comb" through it to make a design. I have done this on a bathroom window. It's also easy to clean-up if you don't like the results. You can just peel it off.

Another hint from an old Heloise book is to disolve epsom salts in beer and paint that on the window with a brush. It dries into crystals like you sometimes see in frost or ice. I did this too once on a very small window.

Have fun! Enjoyed your blog.

Mrs. Cunningham


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