Digest 5.15.15

Friday, May 15, 2015

Happy Friday, everyone. Boy, am I ready for the weekend. We're down to just a few things to unpack, and I'm hoping we can tackle it tomorrow. (Wall art is the main culprit.) For a break from all my musings about my own little house, here are some links that have caught my eye lately:

Living with less has gone high-fashion, with coverage in Harper's Bazaar and Vogue.

My latest blog discovery (via Remodelista): The Shingled House. 

This is a very cool tiny house (that's it above, and you can sign up for a tour).

It's not my style, but this small apartment is full of clever ideas.

A modern-day root cellar.

IKEA is now serving breakfast-in-bed.

Food52 covers cooking on a budget.

Simple rules for healthy eating. 

Cheese: the secret to a longer life and faster metabolism? I hope so!

Plus, coffee isn't bad for you, after all. 


C a i t l i n said...

Hey there! Thanks for the nod :) -Caitlin from the shingled house.


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