
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Post-Move Apartment Tour

Well, we moved last weekend, and we're officially Queens residents now. Before we packed up the old apartment, I snapped a few photos to document the place we have called home for the last two years--and I realized I haven't shown much (if any) of that space here on the blog.

So, better late than never, here's our place in Clinton Hill:

Our bedroom, including my trusty captain's storage bed (a hand-me-down from my mom). The painting above the bed is by my great-aunt, artist Mary Harris. The bedding is an old DwellStudio pattern that I was sorry to see discontinued. That large wardrobe came with us to Jackson Heights, but it may need to find its way to Craiglist soon.

Early in our tenure in Clinton Hill, my husband painted all the cheap, hollow core doors with a high-gloss black, which really improved the look of them; if your landlord will let you, I totally recommend this affordable and easy upgrade.

Another view of the bedroom, including a few of my favorite second-hand finds: A $25 marble-top dresser, an ogee mirror bought on a trip to Maine, and two little alabaster lamps that I got got $6 at a yard sale on the North Fork. The pair of prints is from the flea market in Paris, the lady portrait on the right was dug out of someone's trash in the West Village in the late 90s by yours truly.

My teeny desk sat in another corner of the bedroom, and my husband had a whole room for his office behind that door (you'll note I didn't take a photo of it). In the new place my mini filing cabinet and filing boxes will all live in a closet.

The living room side of the main living space featured a large gallery wall of prints, photos and paintings. Our Jasper sofa from Room & Board is still going strong nearly five years after I bit the bullet and invested in a real couch. We were lucky to get those John Robshaw pillows at a thrift store for a few dollars. The coffee table was purchase at Design Research in the last 60s by my mother, who worked there at the time.

The kitchen in all its unstyled glory was open onto the living/dining room (if I'd been more motivated, I should have tried to make it look like its more attractive twin). As you can see, we were eeking out every inch of storage that we could, including the space above the cabinets. The counter and the bar stools were both purchases second hand and we've already sold them off because there's no need for them in the new place.

The dining area was just next to both the kitchen and the sitting area. The bentwood chairs were a score from an estate sale last fall--we have a half dozen in total, including two arm chairs. The pedestal table is another yard sale find (one of these days I'm going to make a leaf for it).


  1. It is never easy moving to a new place even if your life living in the previous house was only for a couple of years. You not only leave some furniture behind, but also some sweet memories too. Nevertheless, change is part and parcel of moving forward and growing personally so get ready to build even more precious memories at the new apartment!

  2. I’m always so amazed by how people get their homes so well put together in order to show them off on their blogs. My house, will probably need 3 or 4 storage units so we can clear all the junk out of the way before we even think about photos!
