
Friday, March 06, 2015

Digest 3.6.15

Happy Friday, everyone. I am looking forward to the weekend and springing forward on Saturday night, aren't you? It'll be a real treat to leave work while it's still light out. My anticipation of spring has me thinking about decluttering and organizing, and of course, how to do so in a small space. Here's what caught my attention this week:

I featured Carmella's kitchen in my last digest; since then, I have fallen in love with her blog.

600sqftandababy is another great blog about a family living in tight quarters (their space above).

Ending food waste is in the news these days, including on NPR and in the New York Times.

And Dan Barber is turning his restaurant Blue Hill into a food-waste laboratory for a month.

Our grandparents spent more of their money on food than we do.


  1. Hi! Thanks so much for linking to my little blog. Love yours too! xo Alison

  2. You're welcome! Thanks for the kind words!
