
Friday, December 05, 2014

Digest 12.5.14

The weekend is here--hurray! I'm looking forward to getting in some long runs this weekend, and spending more time with my husband's family. Holiday decorating in on my list of to-do's, as is planning the menu for our annual holiday party (Monte's Ham is, of course, a must). I hope you have some fun planned for your weekend. Here's what's on my mind this week:

A charging cable key chain that's actually pretty cute.

Three questions to ask when decluttering.

Leather boot care--from people who know boots.

A virtual visit to the famously hard-to-enter Gramercy Park.

I'm interested to check out Simplicity by Nancy Braithwaite.

A sweet DIY idea: Cinnamon-Applesauce Ornaments.

Bedside lighting advice (a subject near and dear to this reader's heart).

The best shades of white paint to use when selling a home.

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