
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Word About Ricotta

Good ricotta makes all the difference. While I feel mildly insane paying $7 for a 16 oz. tub of ricotta, when I could pay half that, I know that it's worth every penny. I picked up this "Renaissance Ricotta" from the Narragansett Creamery at our local gourmet food shop, The Greene Grape Provisions. It is heavenly. The kettle heated, hand-dipped, un-homogenized ricotta is thick, smooth and creamy.

I used it in the Ricotta and Chard Tart I made (delicious!), and was left with a good half a container of this glorious stuff. So, I spread it on some toasted baguette and topped it with chopped cherry tomatoes, a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper for lunch yesterday. Today, I'm trying to figure out what I can put it on, so that I don't resort to eating it directly out of the container with a spoon. If you find this at your local market, buy it, trust me, it is really worth it.


  1. Have you tried making your own yet? It's simple, cheap, and doesn't compare to even the best store bought stuff.

  2. I have not, but I've heard it's easy. Maybe it's a project for next weekend.
