
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Makeover for Working Mother

A lot of the work I do for magazines takes place in studios. We'll set up a scene, shoot it and then break it down. Occasionally, I get a chance to work in real people's homes for makeover stories. While these stories are inevitably more complicated (and often more stressful) than the make believe world of the studio, they are ultimately more rewarding -- at the end, you've made someone very happy.

A few months back I worked on a project with Working Mother magazine and Target to makeover the bedroom of a little girl in New Jersey, who is the daughter of -- you guessed it: A working mother. The little girl wanted a pink bedroom, and boy, did we give it to her! Seeing little Olivia's face when she saw her new room really made this one of my favorite projects so far this year.

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