
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rhubarb Strawberry Compote from Food52

A while back, I'd bookmarked Food52's recipes for Rhubarb Strawberry Compote, and last weekend, I was inspired to pick up some rhubarb and strawberries and finally test it out. This recipe couldn't be any easier, you put the ingredients in a pot and cook and stir. I only cooked mine for about 25 minutes, so you may not need the full 45 minutes recommended by Food52. I ended up with about three recycled Bonne Maman jars worth of the compote and I've been eating it stirred into my yogurt each morning with a sprinkle of granola -- it's delicious.

Rhubarb Strawberry Compote
from Food52, makes about 2 cups

- 3 cups rhubarb (4 large stalks), trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces
- 1 pound frozen or fresh strawberries
- 6 tablespoons raw (turbinado) sugar
- Pinch salt
- Peel from 1/2 large navel orange
- 3 tablespoons rosé or white wine

1.Combine all of the ingredients in a medium saucepan and add 1/4 cup water. Set over medium heat and bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Cook gently, uncovered, for about 45 minutes, stirring occasionally and adding more water if the mixture seems too dry. You want the fruit to cook through and soften without completely losing its texture.
2. Cool and serve over yogurt or ricotta, with ice cream, or on its own.

Here's everything tossed into the pot about to cook.

A few minutes later the sugar has dissolved and the fruits are beginning to soften.

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