
Friday, April 15, 2011

Apartment Evolution

My parents arrived for a visit this morning, and it made me realize how much my apartment has changed in the last year. For one, there's an additional tenant, my lovely boyfriend, (and his belongings!), but there are also many major changes we've made together. My folks coming over in a few hours for dinner and I am excited to hear what they think!

This photo of the dining area is a perfect example of how the apartment has evolved. The space was always the dining area and I always had a mismatched hanging of photos and prints. However, the table and chairs are both Craigslist finds from the last year, which replaced the table and bench set I had before (now in my little sister's apartment). While the wall art is a 50-50 combination of my things and the boyfriend's things. The changes have been gradual, nothing crazy, but when added up, things are decidedly different around here.

I'll give you a proper photo tour of the whole apartment next week -- I promise.


  1. what a great set up!

  2. i love the title of your space here. found you through jen, glad i did!

  3. Thanks for the kind words! And thanks to Jen for her kind words, as well.

  4. The apartment looks great, and I look forward to seeing the new shelves on the wall, as well as any kitchen improvements.
