Organizing Our "Entryway"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We don't have a proper entryway to our apartment--the door just opens into the living room, but we do have a sort of entryway-like area by the door, and it's in need of some improvements. With multiple winter jackets and pairs of boots between myself and my boyfriend the space has become quite cluttered.

I'm trying to think of clever (and attractive) ways to make the most of this space. To start, I've already begun painting the door a glossy black (I did the first coat today and will tackle the second tomorrow). I'd also like to upgrade the hooks to something that will better hold bulky, winter jackets. Does anyone else have any ideas for how we can make this area better organized and less of an eyesore?


1. Liz Fenton said...

The area next to the couch is the messiest. Why not use an Expedit bookcase ($69 model) with drawer or door units on the bottom two rows to hide stuff. Then a smallish lamp on the next level, along with some of the other inserts, but leaving some openings. Maybe hand some coats in the space next to the hall closet and use the bathtub alcove for umbrellas, as not good for much else.

2. Jennifer said...

My boyfriend and I actually had those same exact hooks in our entry way, but they started to hurt my eyes after about two and a half years because they were crooked, not stable enough, etc. So we did a mild upgrade to these:

They can handle a lot more than the hooks and look a lot warmer! Don't try to put as much coats, scarves and hats as you want though - I learned the hard way and had to remount.

3. Laura Fenton said...

Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to post updates as we get organized. The expedit would be great--if it were smaller--the couch is only 39-inches deep.

4. Elizabeth said...

I was thinking about painting this bench a fun color and using two on either side of the sofa for extra storage. Might work for you too:

Also, maybe a shallow shelf above the hooks could provide extra storage and define the area a bit.

5. Liz Fenton said...

The expedit I mentioned is only 31+ inches wide and about 5 ft. tall. However there is also a wider one (35 inches, same height, but I don't think it would take as many inserts (which would help hide junk).

6. Laura Fenton said...

Oh, that bench is a good size! And the idea of a shelf above the hooks is a good one. THanks!

7. The Charcoal Cottage said...

I always love a challenge and so here are my ideas for you.

The first thing I notice is that the gap left is a little narrow when you walk in. I'd recommend getting rid of the unit next to the couch, facing the front door, completely. If you can remove the other side table on the other side of the couch I'd probably do that too. I know you're losing the place for your lamp but a good entrance will make a huge difference and right now your couch is jutting out into the entry. You can always hang a very small floating shelf above the arm of the couch for a place to put the lamp instead.

Move the umbrella stand next to the couch as there should be plenty of room.

Then on top of or instead of the great shoe storage unit I'd put a similar width bookcase. Something that is almost as tall as the door.

If you opt to keep your current shoe storage unit I'd put a rectangular box/cube underneath for all of you boots. Then I'd pop the shoe unit on top and finally a few different sized cubes stacked on top of that. Alternatively you can get a new unit altogether that is as tall as the door. Something with a place for boots at the bottom, heels and flats and maybe even a place to hang some coats!

This will create a faux wall and will be a great place to store magazines, a bowl for keys, some handbags and even a few more shoes.

Now that the area adjacent to the coat rack is somewhat cleared there is more space for your coats. You can even consider moving one coat rack higher and putting a second coat rack at about waist height so that you can hand shorter items below.

You can even put a few single hooks in a vertical row for handing bags next to the coat rack.

I have the same problem with the entryway in my home and so I try on a regular basis to clear the area of jackets and bags that aren't for regular use. I leave items that I tend to sue everyday or am using on that specific day.

Good luck, please do post after pics :)


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