
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

IKEA's Sultan Alsarp Boxspring?

Does anyone own IKEA's Sultan Alsarp Boxspring? Is this storage box spring as wonderful as I imagine it might be? I made a mental note of the clever storage box spring when I spied it an article in The New York Times about a young designer's Brooklyn studio. Then, in this month's House Beautiful, there it was again: The same designer's Sultan Alsarp, a storage windfall for small apartments.

I currently have a wood captain's bed with useful storage drawers, which was actually my mother's when she lived in the Village in the 1970s. However, we're thinking about upgrading to a queen size mattress (as much as I love cuddling up to my boyfriend at night, two approximately 6-foot tall adults are a bit much for a double bed every night), and I'm researching various storage bed options. I'd be thrilled to hear what anyone has to say about Sultan Alsarp.

Photo: Robert Wright for The New York Times


  1. Ask Anne--her roommate had that bed on 108th street. I think she considered it as well.

  2. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I've had one for 3yrs and love it. I keep all my out of season clothes, additional bedding/towels and camping gear. It's a necessity for new yorkers.

  3. Stumbled across this post as I had this bed assembled today (after it being delivered 21st August).
    LOVE IT so far!
