
Monday, May 18, 2009

Bonne Maman Jars

My friends over at asked me what is my favorite multi-use item for the home. After a moment's thought, I realized that my favorite item is definitely a glass jam jar, specifically the Bonne Maman ones. Every time I finish a jar of jam I rinse out the jar, soak off the label and re-use it as a container to store leftover quantities of pantry staples, like almonds, walnuts, barley and lentils (above). The pretty red and white tops look great in your cabinets and the jars are a good size to store that last cup or two of a particular item.


  1. I'm delighted to meet another Bonne Maman jar fan via dear Jane. That's exactly what I do with mine, and it makes all the jam-eating worthwhile.

  2. I have a collection of about 35 jars and don't know what to do with all of them. They're too nice to throw away, but I don't have any use for 35 jam jars. Any thoughts before I run out of cabinet space?

  3. Anonymous3:17 AM

    If you lived in CA I would buy them from you. Post them on Ebay. Seriously, someone will buy them from you.
