Kitchen Makeover: Part 4

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I am in the home stretch with this kitchen project. Yesterday I returned from a lovely visit with my family and put on another coat of paint. (Up to three on the cabinet bases now, two on the cabinet door fronts and only one on the backs of the doors. Whew.) I think this might be the end. We’ll see. I also brought back an old bookcase from my parents’ basement (originally pulled off the street on Tiemann Place in 2002) to go on the wall opposite the fridge and sink. It is also in the process of being transformed by white paint; in fact, if you’d peered in my living room windows this morning you would have caught sight of me madly applying a second coat of paint to the bookcase in my pajamas, hoping to have it dry and ready for cookbooks by the time I return home tonight.

I did not get around to painting the counter this weekend. Yes, I am going to try to paint the laminate counter. I’m not sure if it will be a success, but I’m going to give it a go. Worst case scenario: I make a mess of it and tear the whole counter out. However, I plan to wait until this weekend to do the counter painting, since I really do enjoy having the use of my kitchen. Hopefully in a week, I will have glamorous shots of my completely made over kitchen to share with you.



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