Kitchen Makeover: Part 2

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I spent the whole day yesterday painting. Literally: The. Whole. Day. I finished up around midnight, and I am not even close to done! I’ve got the base cabinets primed and painted with the first coat of the high gloss. And I have primed both sides of all of the cabinets (I ended up giving the fronts of the cabinets two coats of primer in hopes that I would only have to do two coats of high gloss.) Unfortunately the high gloss paint requires drying “overnight” before re-coating, so I am a ways away from being finished, but I can already start to see how great the kitchen is going to look when I am done with this project. Here’s a snap of the kitchen mid-way through:

I have discovered that the Homestead Resort Sky Blue (7004-5) is well, white. Pretty much at least. I had hoped for a subtle pleasing contrast between the white and the blue, but what I have got is a barely discernable difference. Part of me just wants to do a second coat of all white paint and forget about the blue, but then another part of me feels like I ought to at least give it a second chance, since the color may deepen with a second layer and more time to dry. Ugh. Wishing I’d chosen something a little darker and less “subtle.” If the paint store weren’t such a damn hike, I would just get more paint. But in the interest of time (and my sanity) I plan to muscle through with the paint I do have.

I’m about to run out to the hardware store to get some smaller brushes to work on the cabinet door details. Hopefully I can get a good chunk of this done before I head up to my parents’ house for a visit this evening. Also, a word to the wise, your living room will look something like this:

…if you decide to undertake a project like this. And your lower back will likely hurt and you may even have the pleasure of waking up with a headache, if you choose to undertake painting in February when it is decidedly too cold to throw open the windows. Though I am thrilled that my kitchen will have a new look, this hasn’t been the fun long weekend most people have been enjoying.



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