
Monday, October 30, 2006


So why am I moving? Why am I writing about it?

I’m moving because I am obsessed with real estate and fell in love with another, bigger apartment that I could actually afford. Scratch that. I was obsessed with real estate. I think the whole process of buying and selling apartments has kicked the habit for me for at least a few years to come.

I am writing about this whole process because I think I have something to share with you about creating a home and about making the most of what you have. I believe wholeheartedly in living well, even if your means are small. I have a great job writing about homemaking, decorating and entertaining. But I think most of the women who read the publication I work for would be horrified to know that a 26-year-old woman with no husband and no children, who lives in a small studio apartment is telling them how to live their lives. Frankly, sometimes I am horrified that I am. That said, I also think there is another group of women (and men) who would be thrilled to get advice about how to live their lives on their very real budgets of time, money and space. My father has also always said to me, “Take notes.” So, I suppose these are the notes he’s always wanted me to take.

This blog will be about all the things I love. More than anything, I’d like to share the things I’ve learned about making a home, especially since those lessons were often learned the hard way. I won’t write about things I couldn’t afford myself or about beautiful lamps that can only be custom-ordered from Sweden. This will be a space for everyday life, and for making it better.

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